About Me
My Story
My name is Kimberley. I am a wife to a wonderful, gardening, nature loving husband (Tony) and mother to three incredible boys and step mother to another amazing boy too. We live in South Gloucestershire and would be described as an active, outdoorsy family. I love animals especially horses, dogs and cats with two gorgeous feline kittens keeping the female numbers up at home. My hobbies are walking (barefoot especially), travelling, tai chi and reading. Learning and you'll always find me enhancing my skills and knowledge.
I’ve been a practicing Sound Healer and Mindfulness Mentor since December 2021 and have completed my Usui Reiki Master training, following an interest in how energy healing helped relax my busy mind and undertaking training and after undergoing a career side step. I experienced my own health awakening in 2015, where I turned to holistic therapies following a traumatic TVT operation, miscarriage and attributed nerve damage and chronic inflammation. This then caused UTIs, migraines, infections plus PTSD. My life experience, from my teenage years to my mid-thirties, has been an ocean; with waves of traumas, grief, lessons and losses. I now use holistic therapies for my whole family including three boys. Following years of research, reading and spending money on experimenting with different therapies, we have noticed many benefits to being fully informed and mindful of what we use in and on our bodies; how we care for ourselves and it's given us a new lease of life. From homeopathy, a mindful diet and kinesiology for eczema and asthma with my sons, to Reiki and Sound Healing for all of us. We even use an holistic dentist! As part of my practice and philosophy, I strive to both educate and heal my clients, empowering them to live better and healthier lives. My Wellness Retreats have a self care strategy focus with experiences to enlighten and experiment in this way.
Prior to holistic therapies and completing training courses and qualifications, I was a Higher Level Teaching Assistant and Youth Worker with teenagers; particularly those with additional needs, SEMH needs and low income. Having seen the damage to mental health and wellbeing to children and young people first hand, I wanted to offer something specific in terms of healing for them and run fortnightly sessions for 7-14 year olds. Mindfulness is a powerful practice and we could educate our children on this type of self care and wellness more than we do. Prevention is far better than remedy and we can empower young people to recognise emotions like stress and anxiety and give them strategies to build resilience, courage, intention and self love. I am also a Co-Director of The Edventure Project CiC which is an alternative learning community for young people and families in South Glos.
My approach is a combination of both eastern and western methods and I undertake training (CPD) regularly for self development including spiritual circles, sound healing courses, Reiki degrees, nutritional courses and more. I am an accredited practitioner and complementary therapist with membership with the CMA, The Reiki Federation, CTAA with PLI insurance through Hiscox. I've also gained qualifications in Tai Chi Set 1, youth work, safeguarding, first aid, mental health, autism and will continue to access courses on offer. Through playing the crystal bowls especially, I have ignited my innate clairvoyance skills and have lifted the veil for myself and my clients.
If you need to rebalance and switch off your busy mind, Sound Healing offers this opportunity through positive high vibrations and intuitive playing with my assortment of crystal and Tibetan bowls. If you need a positive, energetic and caring energy healer then we may match our vibrations. If you need new strategies and would like guidance and experience to support you, I may be able to help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to find out how I can support, guide and help you restore and revitalize yourself.
I am delighted to be an associate with Penny Brohn UK offering support and help for those with cancer.
My aspiration is to spend time with people, hold space for them and support them to be able listen to their own wants and needs. I invite new clients to read my client testimonials to get a real feel of what they experience.
"Congratulations on your distinction, Kimberley!
An exceptional result; your work provided clear descriptions of terms whilst paying meticulous attention to detail. This demonstrated your excellent comprehension and awareness of the Sound Therapy Diploma course material. It was a pleasure to mark your work." - Course Assessor - Hayley Johanne
"Huge congratulations. You have completed the Tai Chi for Better Health Shibashi Set 1 course. You are now officially a Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi Set 1 Instructor.
Thank you for your generous words. Practising with you and getting to know you has been an absolute pleasure. I love how you see the world. Your personality, lifestyle choices and positive actions are inspiring. You bring beautiful fluidity and grace to your form. Trust yourself and your intuition!" - Mabli - Course Instructor
Qualifications, Certification and Training:
Level 3 Crystal Signing Bowl Therapy with Ali Young - Chiang Mai Holisitic
Sound Healing and Sound Therapy Accredited Practitioner Course - Tom Llewelyn - Soul Remember
DISTINCTION Level 3 Sound Therapy Diploma - Hayley Johanne (150 CPD points)
DSL Level 3 Training and Level 2 Safeguarding Everyone
Level 2 Understanding Autism Qualification - SGS College
Oliver McGowen Autism Training - NHS
Level 2 Awareness of Mental Health Problems Qualifications - SGS College
Higher National Diploma in Horse Management - Merit - Cannington College
Level 3 Teaching Assistant Award and Level 4 High Level Teaching Assistant Awards - with Distinctions
Forest School Leader Level 3 - Woodland Adventures
Bushcraft, Foraging incl Practical Plants - Steve England Outdoor Learning
Level 2 Food and Hygiene in Catering Certificate - 2022
Level 3 Paediatric First Aid (includes adult first aid) - February 2022
Reiki Degree I, II and Master - Rebecca J Sims Reiki Master and Teacher - Oct 2022, Mar 2023, June 2024
Continuing Spiritual Development with Heaven Sent in Wapley.
Tai Chi Qi-Gong Shibashi Set 1 - Tai Chi for Better Health CiC - Completed January 2024
Tai Chi Qi-Gong Shibashi Set 2 - Tai Chi for Better Health CiC - Completed August 2024.
Inclusion and Diversity L2 - May 2024
Mental Heath Awareness Refresh - June 2024